Presentation Skills (Drama / Public Speaking / Oral Confidence)


  • Oral Communication – Public Speaking

  • Speech and Drama


  • 12 hrs (12 x 1 hr sessions)

  • 9 hours (6 x 1.5 hours )

  • Tailor-made Duration to Suit Your Specific Requirements


This is another course that was put together by demand and is also designed to address two crucial areas, namely Public Speaking (Oral Confidence) and Speech / Drama. As such it is a combination of our standard Words of Wisdom and Speak Up Act Out Courses.

Words of Wisdom – A-Star’s Oral Confidence and Public Speaking Course, was our pioneer course and is still immensely popular. It teaches students the elements present in every successful public-speaking occasion where Oral Communication and Presentation Skills are crucial. Students are led logically towards a final session in which EVERY student in the class will make a speech with individual graded assessment and feedback, for all participants. Successive sessions are designed to increase their confidence when addressing an audience, with strategies to overcome nervousness, correct speech structure, voice projection, confident body language, etiquette, pronunciation and appropriate register. Best of all, it’s great fun!

Speak Up Act Out (Drama): Written by a resident expert who has acted extensively throughout Singapore and abroad, this course was designed as an introduction to drama. Areas of focus include the building of confidence, voice skills, stage movement, script writing and a final performance. For budding drama enthusiasts, this course offers hands-on activities for those seeking greater personal confidence, personal leadership, theatrical or debating roles within the school. Students are led logically towards a final session in which EVERY student in the class will perform a final group duologue, with feedback for all participants.

  • to feel confident before an audience
  • to speak more accurately and confidently
  • how to construct an interesting and credible script characterization how to use non-verbal forms of communication effectively movement on stage
  • to plan, structure and deliver a brief performance and speech
  • to decide what language is suitable to different situations
  • achieve fluency and correct tone in speech writing
  • decide appropriate etiquette and manners in public situations attain proper projection, diction, rhythm and pronunciation